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Youtubers In Thailand

Tim Newton Today

Tim Newton is an Australian businessman and YouTuber who has lived in Thailand since 2011. He has worked in the media, principally radio and TV, for over 42 years. He has won the Deutsche Welle Award for the best radio talk program (public radio Australia), has presented over 11,000 radio news bulletins, of which 3,950 were in Thailand alone, has hosted over 1050 daily TV news programs and has produced upwards of 2,100 videos, TV commercials and documentaries to boot. He also used to report for CNN, Deutsche Welle TV, CBC, Australia’s ABC TV and Australian radio during the 2018 Cave Rescue mission and other major stories that emerged from inside Thailand. He was one of the co-founders of the news website and blog The Thaiger, but since leaving the company, he started his own YouTube channel called Tim Newton Today. In this post, we will look more at his YouTube content on his channel.


  • Tim has lived in Thailand since 2011, sharing his time mostly living in Phuket and working in Bangkok.
  • He has hosted over 1050 daily TV news programs and has produced upwards of 2,100 videos, TV commercials and documentaries.
  • He was a co-founder of the news website and blog ‘The Thaiger’ until leaving the company in 2022.

One of the unique aspects of Tim’s channel ‘Tim Newton Today’ is his focus on providing his frank and honest opinions and commentary on the daily news coming out of Thailand. This style of rounding up the day’s news and giving it your own spin was the template he first adopted during his time working on The Thaiger’s YouTube channel during the covid-19 lockdown period. That channel was a big hit with the ex-pat community in Thailand, and Tim certainly did his part in helping it reach over one hundred thousand subscribers. Now, with over fifteen thousand subscribers, 
Tim’s hoping to do the same with his personal content.



Another aspect of Tim Newton’s content that sets him apart is his passion for real news and statistics. We rather love his dry sense of humor and occasional pops at sometimes misleading establishments in Thailand such as the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand). Tim rarely shies away from exposing any dubious claims or figures that may have been published in large news outlets such as The Bangkok Post. He also does a great job at basically absorbing all of the day’s news from multiple websites, and literally highlighting the most interesting parts according to Tim on his iPad before running through each point to his subscribers in his videos. So, if you like his style of reporting, and if you hit subscribe to his channel, you’ll be sure to enjoy his daily news roundups while sipping on your morning coffee at home on your big living room TV screen.


In conclusion, Tim Newton’s YouTube channel is a must-watch for anyone interested in Thai politics and ex-pat living in Thailand. His videos are informative, entertaining, and enjoyable, and his passion for Bangkok and Phuket is contagious. His coverage of all of Thailand’s daily news provides valuable information for anyone living in Thailand.